As part of national infertility week I wanted to be part of Resolve's Don't Ignore... Blogger's Unite. I've decided to write this blog about PCOS(polycycstic ovarian syndrome). Obviously there are many causes for Infertility some of them are even unexplained. PCOS is one of the current leading causes of infertility; it is close to my heart and something I feel I know a great deal about.
Infertility is a medical issue that affects 1 in 8 couples. PCOS affects millions of women world-wide and some don't even know they have it. It is one of the most common endocrine disorders, it's up there with thyroid disorders or even diabetes! Yet it is still not as widely known or talked about. There is no cure for it, but the symptoms are treatable.
Most simplistically PCOS is the imbalance of women's sex hormones. It is a metabolic disorder that affects several body systems that can cause significant long-term health consequences. It is often characterized with multiple small painless cysts that form in the ovary. If you ask a women who has it she will tell you that it is acne at the most inopportune times, it is unwanted facial hair, excess weight gain, difficulty losing weight, weird growths on the back of her neck, mood swings, irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, and in the most severe cases the inability to conceive even with intervention.
PCOS symptoms can be helped with the use of birth control, but for women that are trying to have a baby that is not an option. We have to endure the symptoms while it may take years to get pregnant. Not all women who have PCOS have issues trying to get pregnant, however the majority do. If you have PCO and have annovulation then the chances are you will have some issues conceiving.
You can be tested for PCOS by an OB/GYN or even your family practitioner. It is mostly diagnosed by your symptoms but hormone labs, and an ultrasound can be done to confirm. Patients who have PCOS are at higher risk for having insulin resistance, and for developing type II diabetes, ovarian cancer, and possible cardiovascular disease. So if you've been diagnosed please take care of your body and see a Doctor regularly. If you have the symptoms make an appointment with your Physician to get more information and tests preformed. If you are one of my PCOS cysters help make others aware: blog, FB, and share information about PCOS. The only way to find a cure is to make people more aware, and interested in finding out more. (Basic understanding of the disease of infertility.) (About NIAW)
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