Thursday, April 26, 2012

Don't Ignore...


During the last few years I myself have struggled with Infertility and PCOS. It's been a long road and I never imagined how hard it truly would be. However I'm not in this struggle alone, and I cannot be more grateful for that fact. I'm a pretty private & sensitive person. I started to research PCOS & Infertility and started posting online. I found friends that I could be open with and not feel judged by. I even started this blog to help open up about our struggles with IF, and it has helped me tremendously.

My advice to any couple or woman out there who is alone in struggling with IF is to seek support. I understand that it is a touchy & personal subject but there are other avenues than friends/family to discuss it with. Wives talk to your husbands and be open with him as to how you're feeling and husbands do the same with your wife. You can even seek the help of a professional therapist, a tool I myself have been recently contemplating. A great way to discuss what you're going through is to find an online community one such as or These sites have community's specifically for people who are trying to get pregnant or people who are having trouble TTC. You can be totally anonymous or divulge who you are, it's up to you. Don't ignore the way you may be feeling. Feeling hurt, angry, sad, lonely, or alone are not good feelings to bottle up inside. I've been there, and it's not fun. Open up to your spouse, your family, your friends, or anonymously, just don't ignore who you are and how you're feeling.

Whatever stage you may be at in your IF journey find your support system. If you already have one great! If you don't I'd be happy to offer any advice, point you in the right direction, or be the support you may need. Please feel free to contact me.

For more information on infertility and National Infertility Awareness Week, please visit the following links:

Monday, April 23, 2012

Don't Ignore...

...the Causes of Infertility

As part of national infertility week I wanted to be part of Resolve's Don't Ignore... Blogger's Unite. I've decided to write this blog about PCOS(polycycstic ovarian syndrome). Obviously there are many causes for Infertility some of them are even unexplained. PCOS is one of the current leading causes of infertility; it is close to my heart and something I feel I know a great deal about.

Infertility is a medical issue that affects 1 in 8 couples. PCOS affects millions of women world-wide and some don't even know they have it. It is one of the most common endocrine disorders, it's up there with thyroid disorders or even diabetes! Yet it is still not as widely known or talked about. There is no cure for it, but the symptoms are treatable.
Most simplistically PCOS is the imbalance of women's sex hormones. It is a metabolic disorder that affects several body systems that can cause significant long-term health consequences. It is often characterized with multiple small painless cysts that form in the ovary. If you ask a women who has it she will tell you that it is acne at the most inopportune times, it is unwanted facial hair, excess weight gain, difficulty losing weight, weird growths on the back of her neck, mood swings, irregular menstrual cycles, infertility, and in the most severe cases the inability to conceive even with intervention.
PCOS symptoms can be helped with the use of birth control, but for women that are trying to have a baby that is not an option. We have to endure the symptoms while it may take years to get pregnant. Not all women who have PCOS have issues trying to get pregnant, however the majority do. If you have PCO and have annovulation then the chances are you will have some issues conceiving.

                                                              A ploycystic ovary view from an ultrasound.

You can be tested for PCOS by an OB/GYN or even your family practitioner. It is mostly diagnosed by your symptoms but hormone labs, and an ultrasound can be done to confirm. Patients who have PCOS are at higher risk for having insulin resistance, and for developing type II diabetes, ovarian cancer, and possible cardiovascular disease. So if you've been diagnosed please take care of your body and see a Doctor regularly. If you have the symptoms make an appointment with your Physician to get more information and tests preformed. If you are one of my PCOS cysters help make others aware: blog, FB, and share information about PCOS. The only way to find a cure is to make people more aware, and interested in finding out more.  (Basic understanding of the disease of infertility.) (About NIAW)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Super Easy Ranch Dressing

If you want a healthy alternative to ranch dressing than this super easy recipe is perfect!

All you need is a blender bottle, equal parts greek yogurt & milk (buttermilk or almond milk are also good) pick your favorite ranch dressing mix & place everything in the blender bottle. SHAKE :)

If you like your ranch a little thicker you can add some extra yogurt.


It's National Infertility Awareness Week

April 22-28, 2012 is National Infertility Awareness Week®, a nationwide campaign intended to educate the public about infertility and the concerns of the infertility community.

I am trying to spread the word for the infertility movement. We need more bloggers, law makers, insurance policy creators, donors, well everyone to get involved! If you live in Washington DC or Atlanta Georgia you can participate in the Walk for Hope. It's is my goal to help create a Walk for Hope in southern California or to at least travel to Scottsdale, Arizona next year so that I can participate. Let's tear down the wall of ignorance together!

I'm participating in Resolve Blogger's Unite program. My Don't ignore post is about PCOS (polycycstic ovarian syndrome) check it out tomorrow.

Infertility is a medical condition, it is a disease that is often overlooked and seldom talked about. I realize that infertility isn't a life threatening disease and so understandably it's not on most people's radar. I don't want to compare infertility with something like cancer as I get that they are very different things. But I would like people to see that infertility is life altering, financially debilitating, and heartbreaking. Being a couple who wishes to have a child and are unable to without medical intervention is awful.
Most insurance plans have little to no infertility coverage which puts a huge financial strain on infertile couples.  I pray that this changes in the future so couples will have more options. It is a terrible thing for a young middle-class married couple to have to choose between buying a home for the future, maybe going to grad school or just the chance of having a child. I understand that having a child is a huge expense but it just doesn't seem fair in my mind to have to start out paying 15,000 for something that should be free (natural) or at the very least an intervention that is covered by your insurance plan.

Please don't ignore infertility and find out what you can do to help.
  • Don’t ignore opportunities to talk about infertility.   Do you blog? Tweet? Teach a health class? Have a book group? Take advantage of opportunities in your daily life to share information about or bring attention to the cause of infertility.
  • Don’t ignore legislation affecting infertility patients.  Several pending and existing laws encroach upon the rights of the infertile to freely build their families. Help change policy and protect your rights by writing to your representative or attending RESOLVE's Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C. on April 25. 
  • Don’t ignore infertility support available.  Infertility is a lonely road, but no one has to travel it alone. Join an online infertility forum or local support group to find a warm, welcoming environment.
  • Don’t ignore people struggling with infertilityReach out to friends or family members struggling with infertility. Ask how you can best support them in their journey. 
  • Don’t ignore the impact of making a donation. Every cent donated helps bring needed programs and services to women and men with infertility. Sign up for the Walk of Hope or create your own fundraising event in your location.
  • Don’t ignore family building alternativesYou can build your family through many paths. During this week, open your mind to options that you had not previously considered.
  • Don’t ignore your own strength. If you’re engaged in the fight against infertility, take a moment to recognize your courage and determination, as well as that of the sisters and brothers fighting alongside you.
If you or someone you know is dealing with infertilty please pass along this information/blog. I would love to be able to reach out to someone that may be going through this as well.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I've been a walking heartache
I've made a mess of me
The person that I've been lately
Ain't who I wanna be

But you stay here right beside me
And watch as the storm blows through
And I need you

Cause God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
And for when I think I lost my way
There are no words here left to say, it's true
God gave me you
Gave me you

There's more here than what we're seeing
A divine conspiracy
That you, an angel lovely
Could somehow fall for me
You'll always be love's great martyr
And I'll be the flattered fool
And I need you

God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
And for when I think I lost my way
There are no words here left to say, it's true
God gave me you

On my own I'm only
Half of what I could be
I can't do without you
We are stitched together
And what love has tethered
I pray we never undo

Cause God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
And for when I think I lost my way
There are no words here left to say, it's true
God gave me you, gave me you.
He gave me you.

#Blake Shelton

Sunday, April 8, 2012

30 Before 30~ Lose 30lbs!

Well I'm proud to say that I can check one more thing off my 30 before 30 list! I have lost 30 freaking pounds!! I wish I never had these pounds to lose but PTSD & PCOS are a weight gaining bitch! I really had no tricks to losing it. I just lowered my carb/starch/sugar intake and started going to the gym more often. Of course I had my splurge days and slip-ups but 2011 was my year to start getting healthy and I think I made a pretty good dent! I'd still like to lose 30 more pounds and then I could be in the best shape of my life but I've got time on my side and I plan for it to keep coming off slowly is fine with me!

These are my before pictures I am embarrased to show these but I hopefully will never look this way again so I'm okay with showing you.

 April 2010

August 2010

Christmas 2010

These are my now pictures (I won't say after because I'm not done losing)

Christmas 2011
 Feb 2012

March 2012

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Things I love right now!

What I'm loving/spending my time doing right now!

I still love pinterest and it's a pretty bad obession that I'm on almost every day but I have two new iPad apps that I am loving right now. Instgram & Scramble with friends

These fun new wastes of my time are great! Instagram is a fun way to share your photos with friends. I love seeing what my friends and family add each day. I need to get better about adding my own photos.
Scramble with friends is a fun Boggle type game that you can play with friends. My Mom is the best competitor yet! I think I've only beat her once! I think this game keeps your brain fine tuned so it's not a compete waste of time :)

The other thing I'm loving right now is planning our upcoming vacations. We are going to Punta Cana, DR in May. Mammoth in August, and hopefully Charlotte, NC in the fall or early winter. I'm thinking a girls trip to Sacramento needs to be in my future! Plus J and I want to go camping sometime this summer just not sure where yet. Oh right and if money/time permits we'd love to go back to Austin, TX as well.  I need to meet my new TKN nephew Sawyer and we have to make it back to Juan in a Million at some point :) Seriously best breakfast ever!! 

Next year if we are not pregnant yet we'd like to do Mardi Gras and if we are pregnant we are thinking some type of road trip up the pacific coast would be the perfect Babymoon.
So with all these trips on the horizon I spend a lot of time planning. I really like Kayak for finding flights. Priceline is where we seem to find the best deals, plus I can get money back if we use ebates! What are your favorite travel sites? I'd love to have some new ones to add to my bookmarks.

Last thing I love right now is taking Bentley to the Long Beach dog beach. I was nervous at first but he absolutley loved it so that made me a happy puppy mommy. J and I got some exercise too just running around after him :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Healthy Option for Pasta Lovers

I've been doing a lot of research on healthy food options lately. I'm trying to make healthier decisions when it comes to what I put in my mouth. But I still want things to taste good. I came across Miracle Noodles, they are a no carb, no sugar, and no calorie "noodle". Miracle Noodles taste a lot like pasta with a very similar texture. They are a high fiber eatable coming from the konjac plant which means that they are mainly soluble fiber. Which fills us up and keeps are hunger pains at bay for a longer period of time. The best way to prepare them is to take them out of their bag and rinse with water & a small amount of vinegar then water again. (they don't smell very appetizing but just keep rinsing it will get better) Put them in a pot with your favorite sauce and heat.   I think the rice version is great for soup recipe.