How far along: 37 weeks
Fruit Size: Watermelon
Sleep: I've been needing naps in the middle of the day, and quite tired. But having some insomnia which I'm sure is due to anxiousness over baby girls arrival.
Best Moment this week: Getting the nursery together. It's almost ready, just needs bedding and a bay ;)
Miss Anything: Feeling comfortable. I'm not miserable but definetly uncomfortable.
Food Cravings/aversions: Not really, strangely haven't had too many cravings or aversions over this pregnancy.
Symptoms: Heartburn like crazy, movements, and contractions!
Signs of labor: 2cm dialated and contractions
Looking forward to: Meeting this little girl. I can't wait!!
At 37 weeks, your baby's body is developed enough to survive outside of the womb. Her lungs, now filled with amniotic fluid, are ready to take her first breaths of air. Her eyelids flutter open and shut preparing for her first view of you.
This baby is just about done growing inside you. That means it could be anytime now!